Belfast Open Studios 2016

Queen Street Studios, Belfast. Courtesy of Simon Mills.
I’ll be working this year on Belfast Open Studios, throughout the month of October and beyond. Here is a sneaky peak of the programme, but there are both lots more events to be announced and lots more participants too. I’ll update when everything is funded/ confirmed!
Belfast Open Studios: Studio Fair
Thursday 6th October
1pm – 4pm
The Black Box, Belfast
Whether you’re an artist, a student or recent graduate, an art collector, or if you simply want to find out more about the visual arts in Belfast, this is a chance to meet studio groups, artists and arts organisations and pick up a copy of the new Belfast Art Map to point you in the right direction.
Participating Studios:
Array Studios
Artists at the Mill
Belfast Photo Factory
Belfast Print Workshop
Creative Exchange Artist Studios
Digitial Arts Studios
Flax Art Studios & Orchid Studios
Lombard Street Studios
Platform Arts
Pollen Studios
QSS Bedford Street
Galleries & Organisations:
ArtisAnn Gallery
Belfast Exposed
Brian Keilt – Independent Artist Desk
Belfast Open Studios: Preparing for studio visits
Thursday 13th October
1pm – 4pm
Venue TBC
This event is for artists that want support and advice on preparing for curator studio visits. We will cover the whole process from inviting curators to your studio, preparing the space, perfecting your pitch and ways that you can maintain the relationship going forward.
Susan McWilliam
Susan MacWilliam represented Northern Ireland with her solo exhibition ‘Remote Viewing‘ at the 53rd Venice Biennale, 2009. MacWilliam’s practice involves the investigation of individual cases particularly those relating to the paranormal, the supernatural and to perceptual phenomena. ‘Remote Viewing’ presented three video installations including Eileen, 2008;Dermo Optics, 2006 and the specially commissioned F-L-A-M-M-A-R-I-O-N, 2009. F-L-A-M-M-A-R-I-O-N is developed from a month spent in 2008 researching the Thomas Glendenning Hamilton Spirit Photograph Collection housed at the University of Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg.
Curator/s to be confirmed
Belfast Open Studios
Saturday 22nd October
Various City Centre Studios
Belfast Open Studios, hosted by Visual Artists Ireland, is an invitation to the public to come and see how artists work and to take a glimpse into the creative processes. Sponsored by local artisan tea makers Suki Tea, Belfast Open Studios events offer a warm welcome to all with a cup of Belfast Brew on arrival before they take a relaxed and informative stroll around the various studios. The event will be accompanied by a programme of artist talks and events across the city.
Participating Studios:
Array Studios
Artists at the Mill
Belfast Photo Factory
Belfast Print Workshop
Cathedral Studios
Creative Exchange Artist Studios
Digitial Arts Studios
Flax Art Studios & Orchid Studios
Lombard Street Studios
MFA Studios, Ulster University
Platform Arts
Pollen Studios
QSS Bedford Street