Tag / Belfast
Arts & Business NI blog post: Cultivate the studio sector to enrich the arts ecology
With so much going on, and having produced so many pieces of writing recently, I forgot to add this blog post that I wrote for Arts & Business NI in November 2021. If you want to read it on the A&BNI site, you can do so here. Trustees’ Week Series 2021| Cultivate the…
Studio Visit: John Rainey
Yesterday I visited NI/ London-based artist John Rainey in his (amazingly equipped!) home studio. I invited John to work with me on a new initiative that I’m coordinating on behalf of VAI NI. About John: Through a series of classical references and both manual and digital (3D Print) processes, my sculptures consider how digital…
International Curator Visits
This week, VAI NI welcomed six curators from Paris to visit Northern Ireland to meet artists, studios and galleries in Belfast and Derry. Their packed schedule involved a series of public engagement events, Show & Tells and individual studio visits based on each curator’s personal interests. They are: Raphael Brunel (Independent curator and writer and member…
Culture Night 2016, Belfast
I’m a newcomer to this (Culture Night Belfast has been running now for what, 5 years?), so I am really, really excited about attending this coming Friday, 16 September to see everything that’s happening in Belfast. So much of what I’m trying to do at the minute is map the infrastructure in Northern Ireland – people, practices, organisations, agendas etc.…